Salaris Charles

Koning - Verenigd Koninkrijk
Geboren: 1948 Groot Brittannie
  • Jaar: € 100.347.903,00
  • Maand: € 8.362.325,25
  • Week: € 1.929.767,37
  • Dag: € 385.953,47

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Charles Philip Arthur George is sinds 8 september 2022 als Charles III koning van vijftien landen uit het Gemenebest van Naties. Deze vijftien landen, bekend als de Commonwealth realms, zijn: het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Canada, Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland, Jamaica, de Bahama's, Grenada, Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea, de Salomonseilanden, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent en de Grenadines, Antigua en Barbuda, Belize en Saint Kitts en Nevis. Verder zijn er nog de veertien Britse overzeese gebieden en drie gebieden onder Brits kroonbezit: dit zijn de baljuwschappen Jersey en Guernsey en het eiland Man. Hij werd op zaterdag 6 mei 2023 gekroond en is de vijfde monarch van de Windsordynastie. Charles is vanaf zijn aantreding als koning tevens hoofd van het Gemenebest.

Wikipedia-pagina over Charles III van het Verenigd Koninkrijk

Income /sovereign grant overview: June 2022 The total Sovereign Grant for 2021-22, including the dedicated amount for Reservicing, amounted to £86.3m (2020-21: £85.9m)
The Sovereign Grant is a taxpayer fund paid annually to the British royal family. The grant originated from an agreement made by King George III, who agreed to surrender his income from the Parliament to receive a set annual payment for himself and other royal family members. The agreement was originally known as the Civil List before it was reworked as the Sovereign Grant in 2012. In total, the grant amount was set around 86 million pounds in 2021 an 2022.
Her Majesty also earned a yearly income from a collection of land, property and assets called the Duchy of Lancaster, a private portfolio held in trust for the reigning sovereign. In 2020, the Queen’s annual income from the Duchy of Lancaster was an estimated £23 million Dec 2021: The total Sovereign Grant for 2020-21, including the dedicated amount for Reservicing, amounted to £85.9m 2021 Total income and funding £20,839,000
Income from Duchy of Cornwall: £ 20,415,000
Income from Sovereign Grant: £ 424,000 annual income review 2019: Total income and funding £24.221.000
Income from Duchy of Cornwall: £ 21.627.000 (The Prince of Wales’s private income comes from the Duchy of Cornwall, an estate comprising agricultural, commercial and residential property mostly in the South West of England. The Duchy also has a financial investment portfolio. His Royal Highness chooses to use the majority of his income from the Duchy to meet the cost of his, The Duchess of Cornwall’s, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s public and charitable work. The Duchy of Cornwall’s income is broadly level when compared to last year).
Income from Sovereign Grant Funding: £ 1.994.000 (The Sovereign Grant funding covers two specific areas of official costs incurred in support of The Queen as Head of State).
From Government Departments £ 600.000 (For The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, Government Departments meet expenditure in respect of the provision of staff on secondment from the Armed Services and some costs of official overseas visits undertaken at the request of Her Majesty’s Governments).


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Update: 2022-9
