Salaris Sergey Brin

Oprichter - Google, former president of Alphabet
Geboren: 1973 Rusland
  • Jaar: € 19.646.438.942,00
  • Maand: € 1.637.203.245,17
  • Week: € 377.816.133,50
  • Dag: € 75.563.226,70
Sergey Brin

Sinds het openen van deze pagina heeft Sergey Brin het volgende verdiend:

Deze samenvatting is afkomstig van Wikipedia

Sergej Michailovitsj Brin is een van de oprichters van Google Inc.. Met een vermogen van 115,5 miljard dollar (2024) behoort hij tot de 15 rijkste mensen ter wereld.

Wikipedia-pagina over Sergey Brin

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $109.3 B (no rise compared to last year)

Net Worth 2023: Net worth: $110 B (Forbes) $ 21 B rise compared to 2022

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2021 from the 2022 net worth
Net Worth 2022: $107 B
Net Worth 2021: $ 89 B

Sergey Brin stepped down as president of Alphabet, parent company of Google, in December 2019 but remains a controller shareholder and a board member.

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of Dec 2020 from the Jun 2021 net worth: $ 13.3 billion
Forbes Jun 2021: $ 89 B net worth
Forbes Dec 2020: $75.7B net worth
Forbes Feb 2020: $ 58,8 billion net worth
Bloomberg Nov 2019: $ 62.4 billion net worth
Forbes 2019: $52.5 billion dollars net worth
Forbes 2018: $52.4 billion dollars net worth
Forbes 2017: 47.8 billion net worth
CNBC March 2017" $1 salary, Forbes $40.4 billion net worth Forbes March 2015 net worth: $29.7 billion
Forbes March 2015 net worth: $39.4 billion
Mashable April 2014: total compensation/salary $1, net worth according to Forbes $28.8 billion
Forbes March 2011: total compensation 2009: $2231, annual salary $1


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Update: 2024-3
