Salaris Eric Schmidt

Zakenman - Former Ceo of Google, former member of board of Alphabet Inc, parent company Google - Verenigde Staten
Geboren: 1955 VS
  • Jaar: € 320.891.836,00
  • Maand: € 26.740.986,33
  • Week: € 6.170.996,85
  • Dag: € 1.234.199,37
Eric Schmidt

Sinds het openen van deze pagina heeft Eric Schmidt het volgende verdiend:

Deze samenvatting is afkomstig van Wikipedia

Eric Emerson Schmidt is een Amerikaanse software-ingenieur die wereldwijd bekend is geworden als algemeen directeur (CEO) van het bedrijf Google Inc., een functie die hij sinds juli 2001 bekleedde toen het bedrijf enkele honderden medewerkers had. In april 2011 stond hij zijn plaats als CEO van Google af aan Larry Page, waarna hij voorzitter werd van de raad van commissarissen van Google Inc. en plaatsnam in de Raad van Comissarissen van de holding Alphabet Inc. waar onder onder meer Google en YouTube vallen. Uit deze functie trad hij terug in 2015 met als reden “adult supervision no longer needed". Hij is ook een voormalig lid van de raad van bestuur van Apple Inc..

Wikipedia-pagina over Eric Schmidt

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $20.9 B ( $343 M rise compared to last year)

Net Worth Oct 2023: $ 20 B ($ 11.6B rise compared to 2022)

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2021 from the 2022 net worth.

Net Worth Apr 2022: $18.4 B (Forbes)

Net Worth Apr. 2021: $18.9B (Forbes)

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2020 from the 2021 net worth.

Net Worth Apr. 2020: $13.2B (Forbes)

Net Worth Apr. 2021: $18.9B (Forbes)

Fictional income: $ 1.3B (Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2020 from the 2019 net worth)

Eric Schmidt left the board of Google parent company Alphabet in June 2019 after serving as a director for 18 years. He remains a technical advisor.

Schmidt was Google's CEO from 2001 to 2011; prior to that he had stints as CEO of Novell and chief technology officer at Sun Microsystems. He remains a technical advisor.

Oct 2019: Alphabet INC said Schimdt will step down in January. As Technical Advisor, Former Executive Chairman, Alphabet at ALPHABET INC, in 2018 Eric E. Schmidt made $1,927,986 in total compensation

Bloomberg March 2016: Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt received $8.04 million for 2015, including a $1.25 million salary and $6 million cash bonus.

Bloomberg April 25 2013: total compensation of $7.63 million last year, down from $101 million in 2011

WSJ April 19th 2011: The Internet company said Schmidt could also earn an annual bonus that is five times his new salary, or $6 million. As of January, Schmidt owned 9.2 million Google shares, which were valued at nearly $5.8 billion and represented 9.6% of the company’s voting power, according to a securities filing.

Forbes: Total compensaation 2009 including salary and bonus: $245322.00. Salary $1.


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Update: 2024-3
